
Membership Options
Meaning persons, excluding associate members, who accept the intent of the Constitution and the by-laws of the Council and are employed within the fields of sterilization and disinfection by any hospital, nursing home, medical, dental, or veterinary practice, university, government or semi-government organization, who are admitted by the Council and who have paid the Annual Subscription. These persons have full voting rights and shall be eligible to hold office.
Meaning any proprietors, members or employees of a business or advisory body who are engaged in the production or supply of goods and/or services, directly/ or indirectly associated with sterilization, disinfection, or infection control who are admitted by the Council and who have paid the Annual Subscription. These persons shall have no voting rights and shall not be eligible to hold office.
Meaning any student/trainee not currently employed in Sterilization Services and enrolled with a Registered Training Organisation (Student identification/number must be presented for eligibility) who are undertaking education in Sterilization services, admitted by the Council and have paid a concession fee of 50% for membership and workshop/conference registration: provided that student/trainee member shall have no voting rights and shall not be eligible to hold office.
Membership is State Branch based. If you are interested in becoming a new member of FSRACA or need to renew your existing membership please visit your nearest branch website.